The Korean Language Institute offers regular programs throughout 4 terms on a yearly basis (spring, summer, fall and winter). Each term runs for 10 weeks (180 hours).
[Academic Calendar Year 2019]
Spring 2019.03.18.~2019.05.24
Summer 2019.06.10.~2019.08.16
Fall 2019.09.16.~2019.11.22
Winter 2019.12.09.~2020.02.24
Classes are organized into six different levels depending on the students' cultural and linguistic differences.
Stduents' levels are determined based on the results of tests taken at the beginning of each term.
Who Can Apply
high school graduates
Application Process
Application Form/Self-Introduction/Study Plan
Passport copy and two ID photos
High School Diploma or Graduation Certificate / High School Transcript(Records)
(To be Consulate confirmed or Apostille certified; Original copy + English translation)
Bank Statement showing the minimum balance of USD 10,000 (Original copy issued by the Bank
Official Family Register or Family Relations Certificate (Original copy and Notarized translation in English)
Parents’ income statement or an affidavit of financial support (Original copy and Notarized translation in English)
Applicants are to prove their ability to pay all the associated fees and living expenses while attending KAU-KLEC.
Letter of Guarantee / Copy of Guarantor’s ID Card
Tuition and Other fees
Tuition : KRW 1,300,000 per Semester (Tuition for 2 semesters should be paid in advance)
Other Fees
Application Fee: KRW 50,000 (Non-refundable)
Students Insurance: KRW 100,000 (Covered for 6 months)
How to Pay : Wire-Transfer
Bank: Woori Bank
Account Number : 1005-201-485397 (SWIFT Code : HVBKKRSEXXX)
Beneficiary : Korea Aerospace University
1. 정규과정 환불 기준표

2. 환불관련 유의사항
비자발급이 불허되어 환불을 신청하는 경우에는 기간과 상관 없이 등록금(수강료) 전액 환불
등록금(수강료)를 제외한 기타납입금(입학전형료, 송금수수료 등)은 환불하지 않음
환불신청서(본원 양식), 통장사본, 비자발급거절사유서 등의 관련 증빙서류를 행정실에 제출하여야 환불 가능함
심사 결과, 제출서류 위/변조로 판명 시에는 환불 불가함
본 환불기준은 2019학년도 겨울학기(12월 입학)부터 적용됩니다