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Korean Language Center

​문의처 : 국제교류팀 노영욱 


  • The Korean Language Institute offers regular programs throughout 4 terms on a yearly basis (spring, summer, fall and winter). Each term runs for 10 weeks (180 hours).


[Academic Calendar Year 2019]

Spring        2019.03.18.~2019.05.24

Summer    2019.06.10.~2019.08.16

Fall             2019.09.16.~2019.11.22

Winter       2019.12.09.~2020.02.24

  • Classes are organized into six different levels depending on the students' cultural and linguistic differences.

  • Stduents' levels are determined based on the results of tests taken at the beginning of each term.

Who Can Apply
  • high school graduates
Application Process
  • Application Form/Self-Introduction/Study Plan 

  • Passport copy and two ID photos

  • High School Diploma or Graduation Certificate / High School Transcript(Records)

 (To be Consulate confirmed or Apostille certified; Original copy + English translation)

  • Bank Statement showing the minimum balance of USD 10,000 (Original copy issued by the Bank

  • Official Family Register or Family Relations Certificate (Original copy and Notarized translation in English)

  • Parents’ income statement or an affidavit of financial support (Original copy and Notarized translation in English)   

  • Applicants are to prove their ability to pay all the associated fees and living expenses while attending KAU-KLEC.

  • Letter of Guarantee / Copy of Guarantor’s ID Card

Tuition and Other fees

  • Tuition : KRW 1,300,000 per Semester (Tuition for 2 semesters should be paid in advance)

  • Other Fees

Application Fee: KRW 50,000 (Non-refundable)

Students Insurance: KRW 100,000 (Covered for 6 months)

  • ​How to Pay : Wire-Transfer

Bank: Woori Bank

Account Number : 1005-201-485397 (SWIFT Code : HVBKKRSEXXX)

Beneficiary : Korea Aerospace University

1. 정규과정 환불 기준표


2. 환불관련 유의사항

  • 비자발급이 불허되어 환불을 신청하는 경우에는 기간과 상관 없이 등록금(수강료) 전액 환불

  • 등록금(수강료)를 제외한 기타납입금(입학전형료, 송금수수료 등)은 환불하지 않음

  •  환불신청서(본원 양식), 통장사본, 비자발급거절사유서 등의 관련 증빙서류를 행정실에 제출하여야 환불 가능함

  • 심사 결과, 제출서류 위/변조로 판명 시에는 환불 불가함

  • 본 환불기준은 2019학년도 겨울학기(12월 입학)부터 적용됩니다 

76, Hanggongdaehak-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggu-do, 10540, Korea

Phone 82-2-300-0356,0357,0358  FAX  82-2-300-0480  E-mail -

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